We’re over the moon that C.A.T.S.: Crash Arena Turbo Stars has been chosen as the Google Play Game of the Year 2017. Google Play’s editors put out their annual list of best apps and games back in early December, and for 2017 they've named C.A.T.S.: Crash Arena Turbo Stars as their game of the year, with Socratic: Math Answers & Homework Help taking their app of the year award.
C.A.T.S. was released by Zeptolab in April 2017 after exclusive playtesting with PlaytestCloud before the game's release.
Here’s what Lucas Gonzalez, the product manager throughout the development of C.A.T.S., said about playtesting C.A.T.S. with PlaytestCloud during the soft launch phase:
“We relied on PlaytestCloud throughout the entire soft launch phase of C.A.T.S.: Crash Arena Turbo Stars to better understand how players were reacting to new features and to help spot tutorial or usability issues."
Lucas on PlaytestCloud becoming a standard part of Zeptolab’s development process:
"Watching the videos helped us to streamline and debug our new builds before being released, which helped us to reduce risks and improve efficiency. Playtesting through PlaytestCloud is now a standard part of the development process for all our games.”
We’re delighted for Lucas and the whole Zeptolab team for the deserved recognition C.A.T.S.: Crash Area Turbo Stars has received since it’s release.
Download C.A.T.S.: Crash Arena Turbo Stars on your preferred platform by clicking on the links below:
Ready to dive in and get some real player feedback on your game? Create an account to start a free trial!
Check out this Jelly Splash playtest video to see what's possible with PlaytestCloud.