Team Management

In the past few years, we have witnessed more and more acquisitions of smaller game studios becoming part of a larger parent game studio organization. When this happens, collaboration becomes all the more important. That is why we have tailored tools for our Professional Advanced and Enterprise level subscriptions that fit this need. With one central PlaytestCloud subscription, you can cover the playtesting needs of all of a publisher’s studio. This way, a central user research team can seamlessly access all playtests within an organization. You can now also give external development teams access to a single project, while protecting the integrity of other projects.

There are many other benefits to our team management features. Check out a few of the aspects we think will be the most impactful.

Organization Hierarchy:

With this new team management feature we are able to break up your hierarchy. Take a look at the example below of a fictional game studio. At PlaytestCloud, our permission levels are broken up into 4 levels of hierarchy (you can learn more about this in our help center). This studio has three gaming teams on their PlaytestCloud account. Everyone who is at the organization admin level can see all of the playtests for the North American Team, European Team and External team. However, within each of those teams, they organized their permission levels a bit differently.

You may also notice that the European Team hired an external studio to assist on a major project. The External team has been given temporary access to the European Team account and once the project is complete their access will be revoked, but their annotations and ordered playtests will remain.

Video Token Distribution:

Organizations with multiple teams can either keep one combined Video Token balance for their entire Organization, or use separate Video Token balances for every team. This is useful when you want to assign specific budgets per team that are managed centrally, for example, by your Research Ops team. This way studios can easily distribute, transfer, and allocate Video Tokens as planned or needed.


Organizations with multiple game development teams or studios may want to limit access to their playtests from other teams within their account for organization or security purposes. This way you can rest assured that all of your playtests are safe and organized. This is why if your organization has multiple teams working on the same PlaytestCloud subscription, we recommend determining your desired team hierarchy and assigning the correct permission levels of each of the users in your account.

Team Management:

If this sounds useful and you are already using our Professional Advanced or Enterprise plan, visit our help center to find out how to create teams within your organization. If you are not yet on one of our Professional Advanced or Enterprise plans, but are interested in getting access to the team management feature, reach out to us about upgrading your studio and we'll be happy to help you.