iOS 11 & PlaytestCloud – It Works!

iOS 11 is almost here, and PlaytestCloud is ready to playtest your latest game builds on Apple’s newest mobile operating system.

If iOS 11 adoption rates follow previous iOS adoption rate trends, then it's likely that the majority of iOS users will be on iOS 11 by the end of the year.

During the transition from previous iOS versions to iOS 11, it will be possible to specify only players using iOS 11 when ordering a playtest – if you need players running iOS 11 specifically. You can do this by adding a special request in the custom playtest requirements section of the order form – though there are additional costs for such a request.

Our help center article on setting up your first playtest contains instructions on how to enter a special request on the order form.

In Case You Missed It: ARKit and the evolution of mobile gaming

We do expect to see most of our players on iOS 11 sooner rather than later, so if you're testing a game with new iOS 11 specific features – like ARKit – then it won't be long until there's no longer a need for a special request to target those players.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions about the transition to iOS 11 and how this affects iOS playtesting through PlaytestCloud.

Note: The current baseline for players on iOS devices is an iPhone 5s or iPad Mini 2 running iOS 9 or higher.

Have a new game build to test? Start a new playtest today.

Header photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash.