Grand Cru launches Supernauts

Last week, the Helsinki-based studio Grand Cru launched their iPad debut title Supernauts globally. PlaytestCloud has been their playtesting solution for many rounds of playtesting.

Only days after the launch, Supernauts has already been featured in the App Stores of 127 countries and has a 4.5+ stars ranking.

Iterating and playtesting with PlaytestCloud shaped the early gameplay players see today.

We recruited players from various target audiences to play Supernauts, all of whom did a fantastic job playtesting this game and providing their feedback via our unique screen-recording technology.

The videos are awesome!

–Juha Köönikkä, QA and Delivery Lead at Grand Cru

All the best to Grand Cru for their debut on the App Store!

Give it a try yourself:

— The PlaytestCloud Team

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