Concept Testing Just Got Even Better!

The engineers at PlaytestCloud have been quite busy lately updating how we run concept tests at PlaytestCloud. As of September 2020, we are excited to announce that you can now run concept tests with audio files and video files. The file types we now accept are:

Video files: MP4, MOV, WEBM, AVI

Audio Files: WAV, FLAC, MP3, M4A, OGG, WMA, AAC

Image Files: PNG, JPG, GIF

For best performance we recommend every individual file be no more than 750MB (the max allowed is 1GB). We recommend compressing image files using ImageOptim and audio and video files using Handbreak.

Testing anything and everything with concept testing

Have you had a chance to run a concept test? If not you are missing out, this service allows you to go way more in-depth and in detail then running your classic survey. Contrary to the name, a concept test does not necessarily have to only be testing your concept ideas. A concept test is merely a visual survey where participants will click through a series of slides and give their verbal feedback as they go through your presentation. You can run these tests at any stage of development from story ideas, fully-fledged concept art, ad campaign ideas or even just a design that is nothing more than stick figures. Using audio, video, or images your testing options are now endless - you can test anything from your game soundtrack, to character voices, in-game footage, or even an advert. If you can dream it we can test it.

We have found that it's a great alternative to running a survey with children. As it allows children to answer your survey questions verbally- reducing the stress put on children during the survey process.

When you're ready to order your concept test, easily be ordered from the New Playtest page on your account. Once inside you can include up to 30 slides of images, gifs, video, or audio clips that you are looking for specific feedback on. It is very similar to all other PlaytestCloud playtests. The only difference is the configure your slides section on the order form where you will give players instructions for every slide.

For more information on all of the details of concept testing. Check out our webinar: