Our Multi-session / Longitudinal guide is now available for download!

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Our longitudinal & multi-session playtest how to guide is now available for immediate download. This is a great resource full of tips and tricks to help you in both planning your first Multi-session or Longitudinal playtest or to help you refine how you approach such a momentous study.

Inside we have broken down the study into 5 easy steps of approach:


In this stage, you will need to define a reason to run a long-form study and then develop a plan and a hypothesis.


Now in stage two, we explain how best to approach the time commitment a long-form study will require and then how to design your playtest to properly investigate your hypothesis.


As soon as you hit the go button we will start testing your game build. On day 2 of the test, you should begin to receive playtest videos and begin to work ahead on analyzing them.


Once all of the playtests are complete, you will begin analyzing your videos. We discuss in this section how to organize your analysis to help ease the stress of the process.


As the last step, you will take your knowledge and decide on how to move forward with what you learned.

It's only a 10 minute read, so there is no reason not to take a glance. The guide can be downloaded here and as always if you have any questions about setting up your next playtest of any size. Don't hesitate to send us a message.