Announcing Android Support

We're proud to announce that you can now order playtests for Android games on PlaytestCloud. We paid special attention to make Android tests as convenient for you as our iOS playtests:

  • You can upload games as APK files or pull them from HockeyApp
  • No code changes to the game are required
  • Testers play games own their own devices and do not need to install additional software
  • Low Performance impact for the players
  • High-quality, 30fps video recordings

The engineering work put into this project was significant and we're confident that we have created not only a world-class on-device recording solution but also offer the most convenient way to add screen capturing to any game or app without requiring access to its source code.

While we're ramping up our Android tester panel, we cannot yet offer all of the targeting options that you have for iOS games. We'll unlock these options as soon as we have reached the required amount of testers to guarantee 48 hour delivery times for the specific target audiences.

If you're developing multi-platform for iOS as well as Android, we strongly recommend that you playtest the Android version of the game at least once. Android users tend to behave differently than their iOS counterparts as they are used to different user interface conventions and have different spending habits. There's a lot you can learn about that even before you launch your game.